Read the Craft NB blog
January 2022 Newsletter Recap
Happy New Year from Craft NB! Let's hope this year is at least a little better than the last couple! Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a happy and healthy new year! We have lots of exciting things planned for 2022 that we can't...
Craft NB’s Summer Fest on July 3rd
Where will you be on your long weekend of July 3rd? Hopefully at Craft NB’s Summer Fest in the charming Village of Gagetown, that’s where! This one day event will be packed with wonderful high quality handmade craft from the Atlantic region. These vendors aren’t your...
Craft NB Summer Fest 2021 is Coming!
Discover locally made fine craft! Craft NB's Summer Fest is coming to the Village of Gagetown July 3rd. It will be held on the Village Green, beside Flo Greig’s studio and shop! The Craft NB Summer Fest will feature contemporary and traditional fine craft from New...
COVID-19 Update for Events and Future Programming
French Translation Coming Soon! As of April 24th, New Brunswick’s Premier, Blaine Higgs announced that large public gatherings such as festivals and concerts are prohibited through December 31st, 2020. This means both of our festivals (Summer and Christmas) are...
Christmas Festival 2021 a Success
Craft NB Christmas Festival an Overwhelming SuccessThe city of Saint John leaves artists and staff's hearts full of gratitude after residents show their immense support after a year away due to COVID.Work by Joyful CoyoteWork by Soul Impressions Handbuilt...
Newsletter Recap | April 2021
A recap of the April 2021 newsletter from Craft NB! Find new updates about Summer Fest 2021 in the Village of Gagetown, An Artist Information Panel on the Citizens of Craft’s Virtual Market with Fabrique 1840 and calls for Art.
Shop Craft NB
We’re now three months into having our own online platform! This has been an exciting and admittedly huge learning curve for us here at Craft NB. As you’re likely aware, this is not something simply to get us through Covid…
Atlantic Vernacular Does Fundy
Atlantic Vernacular Does Fundy National ParkThe search for inspiration between artists and poets in New Brunswick nature.Atlantic Vernacular Atlantic Vernacular is Craft NB's Biennale exhibition which was supposed to take place in 2020, but.. pandemics. This exhibit...
Newsletter Recap | March 2021
A recap of the March newsletter from Craft NB. Updates on calls to entry and opportunities from the province of New Brunswick and across Canada.
Craft NB Site Back In Action
ATTENTION:Our Website is back up and running with limited features! We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience at this time as we continue to work on the website. NOTES: We are now able to process member payments and current members are able to access their...