Read the Craft NB blog
The Power of Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic”
Written by Alison Murphy As many of you know, I have a personal studio practice, as well as my administrative day job working as Craft NB’s Executive Director. My time and focus in the studio ebbs and flows with available space and energy, but is always an important...
Maria Guevara decorating mugs
Look at Maria Guevara from Maru Pottery adding some decoration details to her mugs!
Beneath the surface: Fundy National Park Residency Participants
We can now announce the selected participants for Beneath the Surface: Fundy National Park Residency. Congrats! Allison Green, Alyson Brown, Deborah Payne, Emily Blair, Izabell Fagan, Jacqueline Bourque, Jamie Brown, Joe Pach, Kate White, Maria Guevara, Matt Watkins,...
New Website!
Hello and welcome to our new website! If you are a market member we ask that you please update your profile and fill it with beautiful images and information as soon as possible so that our new website can serve you in the best way possible and so we can connect you...
Call for Digital Images of Fine Craft created by Craft NB’s members
Craft NB, with other provincial/territorial craft councils, will be participating in the CCF Social Media Campaign celebrating Canada 150. The CNB will be selecting approximately 20 images featuring three-dimensional works. Entry does not constitute automatic...